
Thursday 28 March 2013

Challenge 42...

Good Morning everyone time for a new challenge,but firstly we would like to say thank you very much to all of you for joining in with us for our last challenge One for the Boys,there were so many gorgeous things for the team to see....

We hope you will join in with us for this challenge...

But first we have some NEWS for you all..

We are holding an Easter Blog Hop over on the 
Crafty Ribbons Inspiration Blog,so please pop over and join in with us there are 2 fabulous prizes up for grabs for  2 lucky people who get the sentence correct and leave it in a comment and on each blog on the hop there is a candy up for grabs for one lucky person who leaves a comment on that blog,we have some special people joining in with us to,so why not  pop over and join us.... 

 We would like to announce the Top 3 as chosen by Marianne and the winner of our last challenge......



Please contact us at 

so we can arrange for you to receive your Badge....

And the winner of our One for the Boys challenge is.....

Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2013-03-27 19:02:38 UTC

So that's you.....

Please contact us at 

so we can arrange for you to receive your prize....

Now onto our new Challenge..


This challenge will run from 8.30am 28th March until 6pm 10th April .....

The prize this time will be.......

Here are some of the DT's cards/projects for inspiration for you all....

Also don't forget if you pop over to the Crafty Ribbons Company Blog here you can enter the Friday Freebie,every Friday Ali and Tony offer ribbon for some lucky person to win,all you have to do is leave a comment on the Friday freebie post it's easy so why not check it out as well...........

Mandy & The Team


Sue said...

Yippee! Thrilled to be your lucky winner! Well done to the top 3 cards and thank you for another fabulous challenge.
Off to Email you now and carry on with the blog hop!!
Sue xx

Blankina said...

Happy Easter all,
hugs Blankina

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for choosing me in your top 3, beautiful cards girls
Hugs Julie P

Claire Spielman said...

Congrats to the winners! Love the varied projects from your DT! Thanks for the chance to link up.
Creative Wishes
Claire S

cotnob said...

Such pretty DT projects, thank you for the inspiration and great challenge.

Karen P said...

Fab DT inspiration & great challenge - thank you! hugs Karen P

scrappymo! said...

Fun ribbon scrap is so small I think i should get a prize for managing to tie that knot! hahahaha

Great design team work...thanks for the inspiration

Kreatives von Andrea said...

Thanks for the Challenge and the wonderful inspiration from the team.

Nice greeting from Andrea

Merlyn said...

Wonderful cards by the DT

Unknown said...

Gorgeous DT designs and fab challenge.xx

Tanya said...

Fantastic DT cards - great selection :)

Tanya xx

Vee Cassidy said...

Beautiful DT projects. Vee xx

Lozzy said...

Beautiful DT designs and thank you for your challenge..Lozzy x

Beebeebabs said...

Very nice work DT tfs!!!

Elizabeth said...

Fab DT designs and a great challenge. Elizabeth xx

Unni A said...

Love this challenge :) Beautiful DT inspirations!
hugs, Unni

Мирише ми на ЛЮЛЯК! said...

Such gorgeous creations girls... fabulous all of them!

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